
Implicit method

In the implicit method called "backward Euler", which is used to solve non-stationary problems, the differential operator describing the "physics" of the modeled phenomenon is calculated in the "current" instant of time
\( \frac{u_{t+1}-u_t}{dt} - \mathcal{L}({u_{t+1}}) = {f_{t+1}} \).
So at each time step it is necessary to solve the equation for the next state \( u_{t+1} \).
Let us follow the operation of the backward Euler method in the case of the isogeometric finite element method.
To develop a solver that uses the method implicitly in the isogeometric finite element method, we need to transform a strong formulation into a weak formulation.
So we multiply our equation by the test functions \( (u_{t+1},w) - (dt * \mathcal{L}(u_{t+1}),w) = (u_t+dt* f_{t+1},w) \).
We will use a linear combination of the B-spline function to approximate the state of our system at a given moment in time. For this purpose, we select the basis of two-dimensional B-spline functions, specifying the node vectors in the direction of the axis of the coordinate system, for example, the two-dimensional basis of the second-order B-spline function
\( \{B^x_{i,2}(x)B^y_{j,2}(y)\}_{i=1,...,N_x;j=1,...,N_y} u_{i,j } \).
They will be used to approximate the simulated scalar field of the current time instant \( u(x,y;t)\approx \sum_{i=1,...,N_x;j=1,...,N_y} u^t_{i,j } B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y) \).
Similarly, we will use the B-spline base functions for testing:
\( w(x,y) \in \{ B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y) \}_{k=1,...,N_x;l=1,...,N_y} w^{k,l } \)
Assuming the differential operator \( {\cal L } \) describing "physics" is linear, our equation now looks like this:
\( \sum_{i=1,...,N_x;j=1,...,N_y} u^{t+1}_{i,j } (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y)-dt * \mathcal{L}(B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y)),B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y))=RHS \\ \forall k=1,...,N_x; l=1,...,N_y \)
We do not establish a specific problem here, the conclusions presented here refer to any physical problem that can be simulated with the method described. For example, for the problem of heat transport we have
\( \sum_{i=1,...,N_x;j=1,...,N_y} u^{t+1}_{i,j } \\ (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y)-dt *\left(\frac{\partial^2 (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y))}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2 (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y))}{\partial y^2 }\right),B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y))=RHS \\ \forall k=1,...,N_x; l=1,...,N_y \)
Thanks to the weak formulation, we can integrate by parts
\( \sum_{i=1,...,N_x;j=1,...,N_y} u^{t+1}_{i,j } \\ \left( (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y),B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y)) - dt *(\frac{\partial (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y))}{\partial x},\frac{\partial (B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y))}{\partial x}) -dt* (\frac{\partial (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y))}{\partial y},\frac{\partial (B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y))}{\partial y }) \right)=RHS \\ \forall k=1,...,N_x; l=1,...,N_y \)
Due to the structure of the tensor product of the B-spline function and due to the fact that the derivative in the y direction of the B-spline in the x-axis direction gives 0 (because these functions are constant in the y-axis direction) and similarly for the derivative in the y-direction of the B-spline in the x-axis direction, we have
\( \sum_{i=1,...,N_x;j=1,...,N_y} u^{t+1}_{i,j } \\ \left( (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y),B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y)) - dt *(\frac{\partial B^x_i(x)}{\partial x}B^y_j(y),\frac{\partial B^x_k(x)}{\partial x}B^y_l(y)) -dt* (B^x_i(x)\frac{\partial B^y_j(y)}{\partial y},B^x_k(x)\frac{\partial B^y_l(y)}{\partial y }) \right)=RHS \\ \forall k=1,...,N_x; l=1,...,N_y \)
Note that our system of equations to solve is
\( \left(M_x \otimes M_y-dt* S_x \otimes M_y -dt* M_x \otimes S_y\right) u^{t+1} = F(t) \)
\( \{ M_x \otimes M_y \}_{i,j,k,l}= \int B^x_i(x)B^x_k(x)B^y_j(y)B^y_l(y) = \int B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y)B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y) = {\bf M}_{i,j,k,l } \) is a mass matrix which is a Kronecker product of two one-dimensional mass matrices,
\( \{ S_x \otimes M_y\}_{i,j,k,l} = \int \frac{\partial B^x_i(x)}{\partial x}\frac{\partial B^x_k(x)}{\partial x}B^y_j(y)B^y_l(y) = \int \frac{\partial B^x_i(x)}{\partial x}B^y_j(y)\frac{\partial B^x_k(x)}{\partial x }B^y_l(y) \) is the Kronecker product of the one-dimensional stiffness matrix and the one-dimensional mass matrix, and
\( \{ M_x \otimes S_y \}_{i,j,k,l} = \int B^x_i(x) B^x_k(x) \frac{\partial B^y_j(y)}{\partial y} \frac{\partial B^y_l(y)}{\partial y } = \int B^x_i(x)\frac{\partial B^y_j(y)}{\partial y}B^x_k(x)\frac{\partial B^y_l(y)}{\partial y } \) is the Kronecker product of the one-dimensional mass matrix and the one-dimensional stiffness matrix.
Each of these matrices can be factored in linear time using the variable-directional solver algorithm. However, it is no longer possible to factorize their sum in linear time. This is possible only when we introduce a time step scheme that allows the matrix to be separated into sub-matrices in time sub-steps so that the factorization cost remains linear.
The Peaceman-Rachford diagram allows splitting the time step into two sub-steps \( \left(M_x \otimes M_y-dt* S_x \otimes M_y\right) u^{t+1/2} = F(t+1/2)+\left(dt* M_x \otimes S_y\right) u^{t} \)
\( \left(M_x \otimes M_y-dt* M_x \otimes S_y\right) u^{t+1} = F(t+1/2)+\left(dt* S_x \otimes M_y\right) u^{t+1/2 } \)
where we can merge the left side matrices into a single matrix with a Kronecker product structure that can be factored in linear time using the alternating direction solver algorithm
\( \left(M_x-dt* S_x \right)\otimes M_y u^{t+1/2} = F(t+1/2)+\left(dt* M_x \otimes S_y\right) u^{t} \)
\( M_x \otimes \left( M_y-dt* S_y\right) u^{t+1} = F(t+1/2)+\left(dt* S_x \otimes M_y\right) u^{t+1/2 } \)
The right-hand side function here represents the changes caused by the force acting on the system during the time step. It is the sum of two elements:

  1. The state of our system at the previous moment in time \( (u_t,w)= \sum_{i=1,...,N_x;j=1,...,N_y} u^t_{i,j } (B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y),B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y)) \) (also multiplied by the test function and area integrated). Of course, we also use a linear combination of B-spline basis functions to represent the state of our system in the previous time step \( u(x,y;t)=u_t=\sum_{i=1,...,N_x;j=1,...,N_y} u^t_{i,j } B^x_i(x)B^y_j(y) \).
  2. Changes caused by a force acting on the system during the time step \( (f_{t+1},w)= (f_{t+1}(x,y),B^x_k(x)B^y_l(y)) \).

Ostatnio zmieniona Piątek 08 z Lipiec, 2022 10:08:17 UTC Autor: Maciej Paszynski
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